Vancouver & Victoria
Help Us Provide Compassionate Care for Vulnerable People
PHS is a charity (BN # 891413791RR0001) that responds to under-served people in crisis. We meet immediate needs of shelter, housing, food, healthcare and harm reduction, with a low-barrier approach.
We house, support and feed more than 1,900 individuals, provide 2,250 meals each day and provide 24/7 services to thousands of people daily through harm reduction, healthcare and community supports.
Your donations are gifts of hope that assist people in crisis. Here are a few ways your support could be used to make a difference in the Downtown Eastside and Victoria:
- $25: Provides 44 pairs of socks to help prevent ‘street feet’ foot infections
- $50: Provides four delousing treatments to help community members suffering from lice
- $100: Provides 12 nutritious meals for residents and program participants
- $250: Towards Celebration of Life services for community members who have passed away
- $500: Towards travel to home communities, or the purchase of ceremonial regalia for an Indigenous community member
- $1,000: Towards dental work for community members needing surgeries, dentures, etc
Note: All donations less than $10,000 will be directed to our general fund to be utilized where it’s most needed. If you would like to make a donation of $10,000+ and have it directed to a particular area of need, please email to discuss further.

How to Give
Your donations are acts of kindness that give our frontline workers in Vancouver (primarily the DTES) and Victoria the tools and resources they need to offer help where it’s needed most. Your support allows us to respond more thoroughly to the overlapping crises of mental health, homelessness and toxic street drugs.
Online donation
We use CanadaHelps as our donation platform and are grateful to receive:
- One-time donations.
- Monthly donations.
- A tribute donation to honour a loved one in their memory.
Alternate digital platforms
While CanadaHelps is our preferred platform for donations, gifts can also be directed via:
Mail a cheque
Please make cheques payable to PHS Community Services Society and send it to:
Attn: Fund Development Manager
PHS Community Services Society
9 East Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6A 1M9
If you are looking for the appropriate wording to leave a bequest to PHS in your will, you may find the information helpful:
“I give to PHS Community Services Society (PHS), 9 East Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6A 1M9, charitable registration number 891413791RR0001 [‘the sum of $_____’ OR ‘_____ percent of the residue of my Estate’] for the “Greatest Need.”
For information, please talk to Kelly Nichol:
Donate stocks & shares
Please complete the form [PDF] with your Financial Advisor, and email it to or mail it to:
Attn: Fund Development Manager
PHS Community Services Society
9 East Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6A 1M9
We accept the following:
- Gifts from a Trust.
- Publicly Listed Securities (shares, bonds, or units of a mutual fund trust).
- Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs).
- Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs).
- Life Insurance Policies (LIPs – direct beneficiary or donation of policy).
- Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs).
- Real Estate.
- Charitable Remainder Trusts.
Donate inventory
Businesses can liquidate inventory to benefit PHS via our partners The Charity Hub.
Donate a car
We partner with Donate a Car Canada to make the process simple. It makes selling/recycling your old car simple.
Community events
Take part in a charitable event or support participants to raise awareness and funds.
In-Kind Donations
We have ongoing needs for new socks and underwear, as well as for gently used clothing (particularly for men). If you have items you would like to donate, please contact or call (778) 580-5472 to discuss further.
And in Return, Donors Receive Tax Receipts
PHS is a registered charity (BN # 891413791RR0001) which means we provide tax receipts.
These are issued:
- In accordance with Canada Revenue Agency guidelines to the true donor of the donation.
- To Canadian residents only.
- For donations of $20 or more.
We support the Donor Bill of Rights [PDF].