The race is ON!
The Under Armour Eastside 10K is an iconic Vancouver run through historic neighbourhoods.
Billed as “a run in, with and for the Eastside,” it raises vital funds for groups that serve the community. Every year four charity partners are invited to put together teams to be beneficiaries of this one-of-a-kind event.
Funds raised through this event will support PHS’ frontline services.
We’re excited to continue our partnership with Canada Running Series again this year. Come and join us!
The in-person event, winding through Gastown, Chinatown and East Van, is held on Sunday, Sept. 21, 2025. Expect scenic views and supportive crowds.
Early bird registration is now open, and you can also use the code 25PHS to receive 10% off your registration. Sign up here to join us at the 10K.
If you can’t join us on the day, there’s a virtual event. Runners follow their own 10K course any day in September.
And if that isn’t your thing, we need supporters! Are you able to donate to our team?
We’ve put together a booklet detailing everything you might want to know about running with or for PHS in this year’s event, or supporting our runners.
There’s a lot of help for those interested in being captain of a team of their friends or colleagues.
Click on the image here to open as a PDF.
Workplace teams
We are excited to work with organizations interested in putting together a team. The Under Armour Eastside 10K is an enjoyable team-building event that promotes health and wellness, and gives back to the community.
Runners from organizations put together their own informal groups that run for and with Team PHS.
If you want to join us on the day, we meet up at the start but run separately according to our own 10K times. (As with all running, everyone is competing against their own personal best.)
Here’s a poster if you’re looking to promote our runners in your workplace:
Click image to download. [PDF.]
Reach out to PHS Fund Development Manager Kelly Nichol.