The other MOPS, Molson Overdose Prevention Site offers six booths where teams of trained staff and peers monitor people injecting opiates and stimulants.
Overdose Prevention Sites provide access to a clean, safe space where injections are witnessed and overdoses are responded to. Staff are trained to monitor people injecting opiates and stimulants, recognize and reverse overdose, and provide support and coordination of resources such as housing, healthcare and safe supply treatment to participants.
All these services are provided in a welcoming, stigma-free and culturally safe environment. The sterile environment also provides safer drug consumption. Trained staff (peers, mental health workers and nurses) witness consumption, teach ‘best practice’ education for drug consumption, and offer programs to access alternatives to the toxic drug supply.
Molson OPS was opened by PHS in conjunction with Vancouver Coastal Health in 2017 in response to the urgent need to increase services for drug users in the midst of BC’s opioid overdose public health emergency.
The Molson OPS is a unique OPS service for drug consumption; this location is also the site for our Tablet Opiate Agonist Therapy (TiOAT) program as well as the site for our injectable Opiate Agonist Therapy program (iOAT).

Partner :
Vancouver Coastal Health
Hours :
1 pm - 11 pm